
"Подшипники из инновационных высокоэффективных пластмасс и полимеров, срок службы которых легко рассчитать, помогают клиентам компании igus, основанной в 1964 году в г. Кельн, Германия, повысить эффективность своей работы и сократить операционные расходы. Производственные мощности компании, на которых производятся как стандартные промышленные подшипники, так и подшипники по индивидуальным техническим заданиям, расположены в штате Род-Айленд, США.1. Universal connection: various mounting options with and without strain relief 2. Easy openable: Openable along the inner or outer radius from the side or from above 3. Cable-friendly: very smooth contours ensure the longest cable life 4. More cost-effective: E2.1 is lighter and offers more inner height with the same outer dimensions as the E2/000 5. Silent operation: optimised, integrated ""brake"" reduces noise 6. Long service life: due to integrated gliding surfaces even on long travels/gliding applicationsSeries E2.48 is suitable for the following types of applications: Vertical: hanging applications ? 80 m, standing applications ? 3.0 m Horizontal: unsupported applications ? 6.0, applications unsupported on the side ? 1.0 m, gliding applications ? 150 m When to use Series E2.48
  • More useable interior space with inner heights of 26, 38 and 48mm while the outer height is the same as the E2/000 e-chains®
  • Easy to open – e-chains® openable along the inner or outer radius (from the side or from above)
  • Greater strength for unsupported lengths
  • Longer service life for gliding applications
  • Integrated grid structure for interior separation with narrow grid structure of 2.5 mm
  • Cable-friendly due to smooth interior
  • Silent operation due to integrated brake
  • Complete interior separation range
When to use a different e-chain®
  • When a light, cost-effective e-chain®/e-tube with higher dynamics is desired ?E4.1L
  • When even higher stability is required E4.1L
  • For very simple applications with fast filling easy chain®