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R&S®ENY81-CA6 Coupling Network
Категория - Решения для тестирования
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For disturbance and immunity measurements on telecommunications portsKey Facts
- Eight-wire network
- Disturbance measurements in line with CISPR 22:2008 and EN 55022:2010 as well as CISPR 32 and EN 55032 (150 kHz to 30 MHz)
- Immunity measurements in line with CISPR 24 and EN 55024 (150 kHz to 80 MHz)
- Compliance with CISPR 16-1-2
- 75 dB longitudinal conversion loss (LCL)
- High transmission bandwidth for wanted signal (250 MHz)
Brief Description The R&S®ENY81-CA6 coupling network is used for performing disturbance and immunity measurements on unshielded symmetrical telecommunications ports for cable category Cat 6.
Features & Benefits Functional description The R&S®ENY81-CA6 terminates the EUT interface with 150 ? (asymmetrical or common-mode impedance) and couples the EUT's asymmetrical voltage to the test receiver with a voltage division factor of typ. 9.5 dB. The wanted symmetrical (differential-mode) signal passes through the coupling network almost without attenuation up to a bandwidth of 250 MHz (valid for a symmetrical impedance of 100 ?). At the same time, the coupling network decouples the test circuit from disturbance effects (disturbance voltage, impedance) at the AE port. Mechanical design The R&S®ENY81-CA6 coupling network features bare threaded sockets for connecting it to a reference ground plane that is arranged either horizontally or vertically. Disturbance measurements In line with CISPR 22 and EN 55022 as well as CISPR 32 and EN 55032, disturbance voltage measurements on one unshielded symmetrical wire pair require the use of a two-wire ISN (R&S®ENY21). In the case of two unshielded symmetrical wire pairs, it is necessary to use a four-wire ISN (R&S®ENY41), with four unshielded symmetrical wire pairs, an eight-wire ISN (R&S®ENY81 or R&S®ENY81-CA6) is needed. However, the design of the R&S®ENY81-CA6 also permits measurements on one or two wire pairs. CISPR 22 and EN 55022 as well as CISPR 32 and EN 55032 specify the following conformance test method: The EUT is to be measured with a suppression of the wanted symmetrical signal corresponding to the category of the connected cable (requirements for cable categories Cat 3, Cat 5, and Cat 6 are defined in the standard). In order to implement these test methods, the R&S®ENY81-CA6 consists of a high-symmetry basic network with a longitudinal conversion loss of 75 dB for cable category Cat 6. The LCL is internally implemented at the EUT end. For cable categories Cat 3 and Cat 5, the R&S®ENY81 eight-wire coupling network is to be used. Immunity measurements For immunity measurements, a 150 ? to 50 ? adapter (100 ? series resistor in line with IEC 61000-4-6) is required in order to calibrate the test system. This series or terminating resistor as well as various adapters for connecting the ISN are included in the R&S®ENY-ITS immunity test set, which is available as an option. Functional testing A functional test of the ISN can be performed by means of the R&S®ENY-FTS option and a network analyzer. The functional test includes verification of the asymmetrical impedance and phase, the voltage division factor, the longitudinal conversion loss and the decoupling attenuation.''
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